"It is amazing to me that, in this day and age, people still consider themselves as being superior to one another based on their job title or the salary that they make or how knowledgeable they are on any given subject." - Andy Dowd
Regardless of whether you are a surgeon or a floor cleaner, a CEO or an intern, the President of the United States or a small business owner, you are in no way superior or inferior to one other. Superiority does not exist anywhere but in the mind as a delusional sense of self righteousness and when you show your sense of superiority to others, it does nothing but cheapen their sense of who you are.
Do your job and be who you are to the best of your abilities with the resources available to you but always remember that the value of you as a human being regardless of your physical or intellectual abilities, your possessions, your paycheck, your investments, your mistakes, your shortcomings and so forth is equal to the value of any given human being.
May we not be so ignorant as to believe that we reign over one another. Rather than belittle one another or seek to show what we believe to be our great superiority over others, in every moment of every encounter we should be respectfully teaching, learning, helping, and acknowledging the importance of one another as we each set forth to complete the tasks that are set before us.
"People of small caliber are always carping. They are bent on showing their own superiority, their knowledge or prowess or good breeding." - Van Wyck Brooks