I pulled the following brief descriptions of the chakra energy exit points from a website (http://under-the-bodhi-tree.com/the-chakra-system/). These descriptions of the energy emitted from these points are VERY vague and you really can't appreciate the idea of chakras unless you do a little bit more research. This is another really good chakra chart: http://www.chakraenergy.com/chart.html
- Sahasrara/The Crown Chakra: Located at the top of the head. The crown chakra is linked to understanding, cosmic consciousness, and ability to eventually achieve enlightenment.
- Ajna/The Third Eye Chakra: Located at the middle of the forehead. The third eye chakra is directly linked to an individual’s clairvoyance or psychic abilities and intuition.
- Vishuddha/The Throat Chakra: Located at the throat. A person with a strong and balanced throat chakra will have good communication skills and creativity.
- Anahata/The Heart Chakra: Located at the center of the chest, a person with a healthy heart chakra will have a strong ability to love his or herself as well as others. It is also the center of hope and compassion.
- Manipura/The Solar Plexus Chakra: Located at the solar plexus. This chakra is the center of energy, vitality, desire, and power.
- Svadisthana/The Sacral Chakra: Located just below the belly button. This chakra is the source of emotions,sexuality, and intimacy.
- Muladhara/The Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine. This is where your survival instinct comes from. It is also a source of security and grounding.
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