Friday, October 19, 2012

Place of Values

That which we value most is what we will be left with.  If we place our work over family, we should not be surprised to one day find ourselves with only our jobs.  If we place our drink or drug over our jobs, we should not be surprised to one day find ourselves with only our addictions.  If we place our selfishness and self-destruction above our friends and our family, I hope we are not be surprised to one day find ourselves alone with no more outstretched helping hands to ignore as we always did. 

I hope we never point our fingers at others to say "They never helped me" or "They owe me" or "I deserve better" because we never helped ourselves nor did we ever allow anyone else to help us.  Only some percentage of the "wrong" done to each of us by the world is the fault of another human being; many times the wrongdoings we endure are brought onto ourselves by none other than ourselves.  If we are wronged or slighted, it is up to us to stop the self pity, forgive, and move on with our lives.  If we are drowning in our mistakes, it is up to us to choose to stop our misdeeds and make things right.  No one can help us if we do not first choose to help ourselves.

The value of YOU never decreases but your life will always be quick to reflect the degree to which you value yourself.  It is quick to make apparant in which order the things in your life are placed; whether you place higher value on your friends and family or to your addictions.  And only you can change the places of your values in your life; you cannot expect anyone else to do this for you.

1 comment:

  1. A family member of mine really needs to hear this right now. Thanks for sharing
