Sunday, March 6, 2011


My boyfriend has been joking around about chakra points recently and so I started looking into it; I was surprised at what I found.  I'm not into the Hindu religion nor do I believe that these exit portals actually exist on our bodies but I love the way that these Hindu ideas help a person in becoming aware of their senses, needs, desires, and feelings which are addressed when learning about what supposed "open" or "closed" chakras allow or disallow.  Consider what is supposedly released from these chakra points...are you satisfied with the quality of these emissions in your life?  Find your healthy balance.  : )

I pulled the following brief descriptions of the chakra energy exit points from a website (  These descriptions of the energy emitted from these points are VERY vague and you really can't appreciate the idea of chakras unless you do a little bit more research.  This is another really good chakra chart:

  1. Sahasrara/The Crown Chakra: Located at the top of the head. The crown chakra is linked to understanding, cosmic consciousness, and ability to eventually achieve enlightenment.
  2. Ajna/The Third Eye Chakra: Located at the middle of the forehead.  The third eye chakra is directly linked to an individual’s clairvoyance or psychic abilities and intuition.
  3. Vishuddha/The Throat Chakra: Located at the throat. A person with a strong and balanced throat chakra will have good communication skills and creativity.
  4. Anahata/The Heart Chakra: Located at the center of the chest, a person with a healthy heart chakra will have a strong ability to love his or herself as well as others.  It is also the center of hope and compassion.
  5. Manipura/The Solar Plexus Chakra: Located at the solar plexus. This chakra is the center of  energy, vitality, desire, and power.
  6. Svadisthana/The Sacral Chakra: Located just below the belly button. This chakra is the source of emotions,sexuality, and intimacy.
  7. Muladhara/The Root Chakra: Located at the base of the spine. This is where your survival instinct comes from. It is also a source of security and grounding.

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